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How many African Countries can you name from the top of your head?

Here is a list of all 54 countries recognized by the United Nations as of the time of publishing this blog:

1. Algeria/ Algerien

2. Angola/ Angola

3. Benin/ Benin

4. Botswana/ Botswana

5. Burkina Faso/ Burkina Faso

6. Burundi/ Burundi

7. Cabo Verde/ Cabo Verde

8. Cameroon/ Kamerun

9. Central African Republic/ Zentralafrikanische Republik

10. Chad/ Tschad

11. Comoros/ Komoren

12. Democratic Republic of Congo/ Demokratische Republik Kongo

13. Republic of the Congo/ Republik der Kongo

14. Cote d'Ivoire/ Elfenbeinküste

15. Djibouti/ Dschibuti

16. Egypt/ Ägypten

17. Equatorial Guinea/ Äquatorial guinea

18. Eritrea/ Eritrea

19. Eswatini/ Eswatini

20. Ethiopia/ Äthiopien

21. Gabon/ Gabun

22. Gambia/ Gambia

23. Ghana/ Ghana

24. Guinea/ Guinea

25. Guinea-Bissau/ Guinea-Bissau

26. Kenya/ Kenia

27. Lesotho/ Lesotho

28. Liberia/ Liberia

29. Libya/ Libyen

30. Madagascar/ Madagaskar

31. Malawi/ Malawi

32. Mali/Mali

33. Mauritania/ Mauretanien

34. Mauritius/ Mauretanien

35. Morocco/ Marokko

36. Mozambique/ Mosambik

37. Namibia/ Namibia

38. Niger/ Niger

39. Nigeria/ Nigeria

40. Rwanda/ Ruanda

41. Sao Tome and Principe/ Sao Tome und Principe

42. Senegal/ Senegal

43. Seychelles/ Seychellen

44. Sierra Leone/ Sierra Leone

45. Somalia/ Somalia

46. South Africa/ Süd-Afrika

47. South Sudan/ Südsudan

48. Sudan/ Sudan

49. Tanzania/ Tansania

50. Togo/ Togo

51. Tunisia/ Tunesien

52. Uganda/ Uganda

53. Zambia/ Sambia

54. Zimbabwe/ Simbabwe

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